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    Clip Description

    Dr. Faye is a therapist. She specializes in putting people under hypnosis and helping them quit smoking, lose their inhibitions or whatever. But, while they are under, she loves to make them do sexy acts, especially if they are women with sexy feet.
    Honour comes to visit Dr Faye. Dr Faye puts her under and has Honour do sexual acts for her, while Faye strips and masturbates. Suddenly Honour wakes to find herself in a compromised position. In a rage she strangles Faye with a stocking. Just then Dr. Faye's assistant Mick comes in and finds his mistress strangled. He strangles Honour in revenge.

    Starring: Faye and Honour
    Keywords: strangling, trance, masturbation, orgasm
    253 MB

    Clip Duration:      23 minutes
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    mp4253.53 MB

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    CO WORKER HEADSHOT - dressed in heels, business type suit.......where she catches a co-worker checking her out and she goes into the POV tease/strip / dirty talk routine, for several minutes..........she wanks herself until she and he cums...........but then she says,......she will tell her bosses about incident unless he gives her a promotion and some cash.......

He says......I have a better idea......we see the gun...headshot and body pans as you did with Lauren and Liz....

Starring: Lucy Lume
Keywords: Headshot, Masturbation, Reality POV, Shooting


A medical company in need of female bodies for research creates the Ultimate Masturbation Championship, a fraud designed to get bodies legally by inducing random girls to sign a "body release" giving them the illusion of the chance to get a non-existent $1 Million prize in case they win, provided they're ok to get shot in the head and donate their body to science in case they lose.

In this clip we see two of the girls, Chloe Toy and Ellie, naively meeting their end. They are in the changing room, getting ready for the competition; Ellie is visibly nervous, while Chloe is confident as usual. Maybe to try weakening her, Chloe offers Ellie to give her a relaxing massage to calm her down, which soon turns into a mutual masturbation through the clothes, until both girls cum. It's time to go on stage!

The two girls step into the scene, in front of a camera: the presenter explains them the rules, which they already know: they have to masturbate in front of the audience, and once both of them have cum, the audience will decide who's the winner. So they start, and do their best to provide the best solo masturbation show for several minutes. Once they have cum, they peacefully relax on the couch waiting for the verdict.

Finally the results come: nervous and excited at the same time, both girls stand up on their knees on the couch, in an execution position, ready to receive the bullet in their heads in case of loss. The presenter takes his time, and doesn't need to actually say anything: BANG! A bullet is suddenly shot and Chloe collapses on the couch, a hole on her forehead and a splat on the wall.
Ellie gets scared by the sound, but, as soon as she realizes she is alive and the bullet was not for her, she starts to get high as she is evidently the winner... BANG! A second unexpected shot is fired, and Ellie collapses dead as well, headshot just like Chloe. Now that both the girls are dead, the fraud comes out.

Run Time: 24:58 minutes
File Size: 1730 MB 	Format: .AVI
Category: Shooting


Lesbian business woman Montse has an unusual punker lover. She's young, sweet and weird. one day, during some intimacy, she unexpectedly goes nuts and strangles the business woman to death. Good explicit shots

Starrring: Ellie and Montse
Keywords: strangling, lesbian, stripping, limp_play, feet, mature, inspection
1210 MB

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AltSiren cannot sleep. She is too scared and nervous. Sad and disappointed. She has to do it. She takes a pillow and suffocates Niki to death in a very long struggle. Finally she is dead, and AltSiren can relax next to her dead body. She will deal with it on the next day, so she finally sets herself to sleep embracing her dead ex like a teddy bear.

Starring: AltSiren, Niki, 
Keywords: face_play, handling, lesbian, suffocation, surreal

    MATURE STRANGLE SCAM - Great acting!

Montse is a business lady come to London. She is head of world bank. After work, she is in search of special sexual pleasure. She goes to special place where she can do breath play.  She wants them to film her so she can masturabate in the hotel to it later.
They (you) take her to a special room with a couch (or could be bed if it is better for you). She takes off her top, bra, skirt, panties and shoes and stockings. Naked. Neatly putting the clothes to the side. She then takes the belt and pays back........she starts to play with her body, tits and pussy while wrapping the belt around her neck and pulling......we do a belt strangle routine...........she cums just as she passes out.............we have some pans of the out cold Montse.
She wakes and is happy. She takes the stockings from the neat pile of clothes, put them on. Then when she picks up her bra, before she can put it on.....a hit man has been sent to strangle her........comes up from behind the couch with a black stocking and strangles her.......for real.........as good a strangle routine as you can do. She finally dies.......on the couch. Mouth / eyes open death stare, legs open, paying on back on couch
Good camera pans as I like them.
I loved the death stare Montse did for us before,....with her dark eyes, dark eye liner, dark hair, tongue out, black stocking around the neck.....(some pics attached. Something like this).

Starring: Montse
Keywords: strangling, mature, masturbation, orgasm, reality_pov
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Scene fades back in showing the mentally deranged patient finishing tying her up. His plan is to steal her medical coat, badge and stethoscope so he can escape the hospital, as he doesn't like it. Before leaving, he plays with her feet, as she likes them, and gropes her body - But, since she struggles too much in the bondage, he decides to strangle her to death although he originally wanted to do no harm

Starring: Adreena
Keywords: bondage, strangling, medical, feet, limp_play, pantyhose, unconscious
187 MB

    The Most Beautiful Head - Kelli (K) and Lauren (L) are sitting in the room on the sofa. Both are surfing something in their smartphones. L: Look! My photos have twice more likes then yours! K: Oh, its only because you make mostly selfies of your nice body. All my headshots have more likes than yours. If you make more headshots you wont be as popular. L: Nonsense, my head would be much more beautiful than yours even if it is shot without my body. K: Oh, My head would be more beautiful than yours even if it is CUT OFF my body! (moves the finger across her throat) L: Never, my severed head will look much more beautiful than yours! K: Lets bet! I know the execution agency nearby. We can go there, they will behead us and then make photos of our severed heads. Well see who gets more likes! L: I agree, lets go. Both girls are in another room together with the Executioner (E). K: Hello. We would like to have our heads chopped off and then photos of them should be posted online. E: No problem. We can do it right now. K: How will you behead us? E: I usually use a sword for it. K: OK, what shall I do? E: Just kneel here. Kelli kneels. Executioner takes the sword and makes a mark at the back of Kellis neck. Then he raises the sword preparing for the blow. K: Wait, please! If you chop off my head now it will fall on the floor and I can hit my face. Then I certainly loose the competition. Is there any other way to behead me? E: Well, you can place your head on the chopping block and I will cut it off with the axe. He leads Kelli to the block, helps her to kneel and lay her head on it (to the position like pic 2). K: Oh, its much better (She puts her hands behind the back). You can behead me now. Executioner makes a mark with the axe at Kellis neck and then decapitates her. L (looking at Kellis severed head): Oh, its not so beautiful. Now is my turn. She kneels before the block and places her head on it at the same position. L: Please, chop off my head now. Make a blow right here (she shows at the middle of her neck with her hand, then puts her hands behind the back). Executioner makes a mark and then beheads her. At the end both severed heads are on the floor.

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The criminal handles her dead body and carries it into the bedroom. He brushes more poison on her soles, gets her phone and texts the husband pretending to be her, telling him that he will find her asleep but she would like him to wake her up by worshipping her feet, as she has a surprise for him. And, later, all this happens and the husband dies poisoned with his face sunk between her soles.

Starring: Akeira
Keywords: poison, feet, handling, surreal
389 MB

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